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When I started writing again in June, I hoped to reignite my love for writing. And it has! I don’t think it ever went away, but I couldn’t find time for it until I mindfully pushed myself.

Pushing to post at least once per month was part of the challenge, but I also found time to take on a bit more due to how slow sales at Picture This Clothing have become.

In my challenge to write more, I decided to work toward the completion of a couple of books I’d started (one down, two to go!) I also found time to make my doodle journal more frequent. I don’t post every day, but I do a doodle + brief, heartfelt post at least three times per week on average via my Instagram. It’s been such a great creative outlet!
And I also started writing more personal stuff again blog-style like these posts here. But I’ve been writing a bit here, a bit on my personal website, and a bit on the writing website Medium. (I’m posting all over the place!)

So, I’m going to centralize and stop posting on the Picture This website. If you’re interested in reading more of my stuff, please join me on coffeewithjaimee.com. There’s an email list there and everything if you’re interested in that sort of thing. I would love to have you along!
